Teen Dating Violence: Free Resources

February is the National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month

Learn more about Teen Dating Violence and domestic violence with these videos, banners, widgets, games, and more.
Please share these teen dating violence resources with young people, educators, and parents in your life.

Teen Dating Violence: Video Games

These are prosocial video games intentionally designed to engage and empower young people. Included are video games that teach about healthy relationships and consent. Also included are games that foster protective factors like critical thinking and resilience. Protective factors are attributes that help teens deal with adversity and avoid violence. Play and share these award-winning video games now!

MushWhom? EDU, a prosocial video game designed to support critical thinking skills.

MushWhom? Educational Edition

Collin Lang, Knitwit Studios • US

This educational edition of MushWhom? is intended for classroom use to support the teaching of critical thinking. Includes slide deck and lesson plan. (PDF)

One New Message, a video game intentionally designed to foster skills supporting resilience in teens.

One New Message

Eloise Best • England

An award-winning video game intended to help students recognize when they are stressed-out and how to apply various coping strategies to better manage their stress.

A free standards-aligned lesson plan for classroom use is available for download. (PDF)

Lamplight Hollow, a prosocial video game intended to help adolescents safely recognize a form of psychological abuse in a dating relationship.

Lamplight Hollow

Luciano Sgarbi • England

Join this dreamer as they undertake a journey through their dreams -- exploring the unexplored, examining the unexamined, and befriending the not-always-friendly.

HONEYMOON, a prosocial video game intentionally designed to teach young people about healthy dating relationships.


Sandra Lara Castillo • UK

In HONEYMOON, players explore a dating relationship through the experiences of a student. As the game progresses and the “honeymoon” period ends, the player experiences some of the potential challenges found in adolescent dating relationships and also sees how the evolving relationship impacts friends and family.

Crossing Boundaries, a prosocial video game intentionally designed to teach young people about the meaning and importance of consent.

Crossing Boundaries

Testudo Games • UK

This globetrotting game explores the meaning of consent through a series of travel adventures.

Eva, Alice, and Joe have graduated from school and are exploring the world. Join them as they learn about consent, different cultures, and themselves along the way.

Teen Dating Violence: Printables

Print these educational resources at home, school, or the office and share this important information about teen dating violence.

Front of printable bookmark about teen dating violence. Back of printable bookmark about teen dating violence.


These bookmarks to #stopTDV are now available for download so that you can print them at school, home, or the office.

The front of the bookmarks has a reminder of the prevalence of dating abuse, with the statistic that 44% of all college students have been in an abusive relationship by the time they graduate from college.

The back of the bookmarks has a ruler, a list of commonly misspelled words, math forumulas for area and volume, a scannable QR code providing access to teen dating violence video games, the ten warning signs of an abusive relationship, and the phone number for the National Dating Abuse Helpline.

Just click on each image to download the high-resolution PDF images for easy printing. Printed size is 6.13" x 2.13".

Printable teen dating violence Power and Control wheel.

Power and Control Wheel

This Power and Control Wheel about teen dating violence is based on the Duluth Model.
The original Power and Control Wheel was developed in the 1980's to visually represent the systematic abuse found in domestic violence or intimate partner violence. The Teen Dating Violence Power and Control Wheel has modified the original wheel to better reflect how power and control is used in teen dating violence relationships.

Just click on the power and control wheel image to download the high-resolution PDF image for easy printing. Printed size is 8.5" x 11".

TDV Articles

The Hollywood Reporter - Video Games Against Violence; How One Nonprofit is Creating Change

Video Games Against Violence: How One Nonprofit Is Creating Change

There are games about consent, abuse prevention, healthy relationships and more. Finalist entries are judged by a group of critics, developers and other gaming professionals, along with those engaged on the side of domestic violence and psychology. The contest’s only rule is that none of the games can have any on-screen depiction of violence. “We’ve seen tower defense games, art games, walking simulator type games, trivia games — most common are RPG,” says Crecente, explaining that the narrative format fits well with the topic.
Read the full article at The Hollywood Reporter

Games shine light on Teen Dating Violence

The sixth annual Life. Love. Game Design Challenge, aimed at increasing awareness of teen dating violence, has announced its winning entries. Overall winner is Love in the Dumpster by Jean Hehn of Belgium, followed by Janie's Sketchbook by Guts Rodsavas and Piti Yindee of GPTouch in Thailand. In third place is YourSpace by Paul McGee, Sam Gross, Lyndsey Moulds, Ross McWilliam and Kayfaraday in Ireland followed by What Kind of Monster is your Boyfriend? by 99Uno in Argentina.
Read the full article at Polygon

A Spark for Games to Stop Teen Dating Violence

Earlier this year it was announced that for work done by Games for Health Project co-founder, Ben Sawyer, in serious games and games for health that he will be a SxSW Dewey Award Winner. The award is given to 10 people each year by SxSW Interactive as a memory to one of the original organizers of the event, Dewey Winburne. It is used to honor people who have used technology to try and improve the lives of others. As part of the award which he will receive on Sunday March 10 in Austin SxSW is donating $1000.00 to the charity of his choice. The decision is to donate the funds to Jennifer Ann’s Group.
Read the full article at Games for Health

TDV Spotlight

The use of Technology in Abusive Relationships

According to a 2009 study by the CDC, 10% of teens report having been physically abused within the past year by a dating partner. By the time students have graduated from college 44% of them will have been in an abusive relationship.

Technology is often leveraged against people in abusive relationships and because teenagers and college students are heavy users of technology they are disproportionately affected by these abusive practices. According to a 2007 study 67% of teens own cell phones, 93% use the internet, and nearly half visit social networking sites daily . . .