Teen Dating Violence: What

According to the CDC, Teen Dating Violence is the physical, sexual, psychological, emotional, or verbal abuse within a dating relationship, as well as stalking. Teen dating violence can occur in person, online, on the phone, or via text messaging or email.
Teen Dating Violence: A/K/A
Other labels for teen dating violence include: Domestic Abuse, Domestic Violence, Dating Abuse, Relationship Abuse, Relationship Violence, and Intimate Partner Violence (IPV).
Teen Dating Violence: Where
Teen Dating Violence can occur anywhere:
through social media websites, via SMS messaging or email, by phone, or in person.
When abuse occurs in person it can happen at school, at your job, or in public.
Although you might think that it's safest to just stay at home, that is actually the most
common place for somebody to be abused.
Remember: just because a teenager is at home that does not mean
that they are safe from teen dating violence.
Teen Dating Violence: Who
Teen dating violence may occur between somebody that you are currently dating or somebody that you used to date.
Teen dating violence can be between people of different genders, or the same gender.
Teen dating violence can happen to anybody. Males and females can be abused or can be the abusers.
So can poor people, rich people, short people, tall people, two-eyed people, and three-eyed people.
Teen dating violence believes in equal opportunity and can affect anybody.
Teen dating violence probably is more common that you realize. Here are some important statistics about teen dating violence.